Chaos will rear its ugly head faster then you think unless you start making time to
return things to where they belong- books, mail, toys, dishes, shoes, laundry, etc. It's harder
for some then others, but all of us face the challenge to simplify. Secret#1. Commit
to being an open handed person instead of tightly holding on to all you own.
Organization will not last without daily habits of maintaining the organization. Open your requin tn hands and
let go. To determine its rightful space ask yourself: How often is it used? Who
uses it? What other things in your home should it reside with? You'll always know
where to find your things if your things on in their designated area/space.Secret#2. Do everything
within your power to make putting things away (after using them) a DAILY habit. Things
and possessions can not give us lasting joy, only people and tn God can. This is
key. Getting organized shouldn't lead you to focus on your things, but to focus you
on how you want your home to feel and life to run. Letting go of
things is not always easy. Everything you own should have its rightful space to reside
until it's used, read, worn, looked at, considered, or touched. Take them with you and
put them away.Secret #3. Have a permanent place or spot for everything in your home.
What if your home and life felt peaceful, inviting, productive, under control, and stress free?
That's the goal. As you move from room to room in your house through out
the day take a few extra seconds or minutes to pick up items that belong
in a different room. You can do it!Amber's Organizing, LLC Amber Kostelny-Cussen, Certified Professional Organizer
Home and Office Organizing in Chicago
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