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As for the rest of the track team and their diverse individual characteristics, you can easily
notice that they have some screws loose, but in an absolute down-to-earth, well-rounded kind of
way.Track, Field, and Cross-Country consist of a plethora of different sports. If you come with
all guys, chances are you are going to be turned away. It's not just running.
What team has the best parties on campus? Forget the Football team and Frats. You
seriously won't regret it!Jon Kalnas is the publisher of "The Student Athlete Guide" on what
studletes need to know in order to have a successful student athlete college career. Drunk,
horned up college men are recipe for disaster. In soccer, they all just want to
dribble the ball and score. But, in track and field, they want to run fast,
throw far, jump high and win!After a full week of practice and half of the
weekend competing, the sickest parties you'll ever know are about to go down!No cover feeSomeone's
going to get naked and dance. The Track and Field and tn Cross-Country teams win by
a landslide! Well, at least from the campuses I have visited over the years. Regardless,
the girl rule is an absurd rule. Think about it. That's why you'll find an
even ratio of men to women at these parties; therefore disposing of the "girl rule".
Hearing testimonials improve chances of having an outrageous time rather than a drama filled night.While
Fraternities have too many rules, such as the girl rule, and other teams stick to
their social clicks; it's obvious where to go- The Track House. What are they running
from anyway? They can't really enjoy it! Well, maybe they could. It initiates a night
full of negativity. There is no other team who is as welcoming and as diverse
as this group. Welcoming everyone sets up the night for an absolute fun one. The
track house is where everyone is welcome to dance and have a good time, sometimes
in costume. There's jumping high, jumping far, jumping on one leg at a time, jumping
with the assistance of a pole, throwing Nike Tn hunks of metal, spinning hunks of metal, jousting
hunks of metal, running, jogging, sometimes walking - listen, there's something for anyone that has
the heart! Thus, to enter a Track and Field house party is to enter a
circus show - there's a vast amount of different walks of life with different interests.
Just wait No girl to guy ratio at the door since there is a Men's
and Women's TeamEveryone's welcome!At every college party, there exists a girl rule. If an undesirable
meal and bad service is experienced, then you will go to another restaurant where there
is great food and outstanding service. In football, they all just want to tackle and
run. To find this out before you personally experience it, talk to other students about
parties that are fun. Each athlete is unlike the next. And there's NOTHING wrong with
this. This is similar to a party. More girls are going to draw more guys
and these guys won't be admitted. If someone runs 10+ miles a day, there has
to be something wrong. The football team has all men; the men's and soccer teams
never go on the road to compete together, but there's something unique about T&F and
XC sportsmanship.If you go to a restaurant and they serve you a meal that is
to your disliking and service was bad, do you go back? Most likely going to
that restaurant a second time will not happen. So, be sure to investigate your campus
party scene by experiencing a track house party. If you are a guy and you
want to come to a party then you must have two or more ladies with
you. If college party planners want more girls at their parties then they should throw
better parties.Unlike any other college team, the Men's and Women's Track and Field and Cross
Country team is a collective team that hangs out with one another. They will cause
problems by fighting or destroying property. Cross-Country runners are a strange, yet highly dedicated breed.
To learn more about how to be successful by learning from post collegiates, then go
to http://www.strengthathletes.com.
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